Three Things

This is an adaptation of something I wrote in a newsletter a few years back that people really responded to. My feelings about activism and what we call activism have changed considerably since I first wrote it, but I still believe in trying to live a value-driven life, in intentional communities, and in trying to make the world a better place.
If this helps you do that, then it helps me do that. Or something.

Chris Burden, Honest Labor, 1978

Listen to me. You can't do it all. You can't. You shouldn’t. You will burn out and you will not be effective in the long run. I would suggest you take a step back and think about how you are going to be a change maker now and in the years to come.  

“Three Things” is a triage framework that can help you forge deeper and more sustainable connections. It doesn’t include many many important things like engaging with your privilege, biases, and motives around this work; learning more about the issues you care about and who is active in the space; evaluating impact; avoiding harm to yourself and others when working together. Know that all of this work is necessary, and take it on.

Then, think about all of the things swirling around you, all the opportunities you have to act on your values and choose three things: One thing to be a leader on, one thing to be a follower on, and one thing to make a habit of.

One thing to be a leader on. Start small. What needs doing in your community? However you define community, there’s something. Maybe your local shelter needs more beds. Maybe you want to get a tree planted or a crosswalk put in. Maybe your book club could start donating books or tutoring.

One thing to be a follower on. There are countless grassroots community organizations and larger groups doing valuable work. Find one and be of service—which means supporting them with your actions in accordance with their stated needs and processes. You might be an award-winning filmmaker. They might need someone to take notes. Take notes. 

One thing to make a habit of. This is something you just do repeatedly. It could be donating to a certain cause every month, working at a soup kitchen every week, or doing cop watch every other weekend. It’s you showing up.

If you liked this, then you might enjoy my newsletter, Surfacing, which is not about activism, although sometimes it is. You can read more about it here, or just live a little and subscribe now.

Surfacing is a newsletter about the things I see and hear. Subscribers are better-looking and more fun than regular people.