I see a million of those ads on Instagram hawking menopause products for belly fat (as you said), but at no time ever did an ob/gyn tell me what to expect in menopause of offer anything (suggestions or otherwise) to alleviate symptoms. Nothing. I once had an ob/gyn say, "I don't know why there's even a word for perimenopause" and I switched doctors after that. All kinds of people are making money off it but it's still not being discussed in a serious way in terms of relief. (In other words: I am mad too!)

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I call it Reverse Puberty and I’m so glad I got it done and over with before menopause hit Mother Earth. If men are wondering what a hot flash feels like, ask them to take a summertime hike in Death Valley, fully clothed, long-sleeves and everything. All day. Every day. (Even when they’re supposed to be sleeping.) For years. xo

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Moneypause, my god how I love this. And excuse me, Cougar Puberty? How on earth did I miss that (and thank god I did until now)?

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this is a READ! and appreciated!

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Hmmm. Your article has given me much food for thought. I am not on social media anymore. So, I'm not seeing all the things you've pointed too (although I did click through to a few of the links). I can understand if you are bombarded by all these different things it could be annoying.

However, I have to say I am grateful for the menopause articles and topics I've seen here on Substack. I have mostly gone through peri/menopause, but without any real understanding of what was happening to me. I've really appreciated my fellow writers' sharing their experiences.

I am especially interested to find out more about how to deal with having sex that isn't painful anymore! Anything to help with that I'd be happy to hear about. I am glad we are starting to talk about it, but it's too bad it's becoming a whole other way to hawk things we don't need.

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This is so so amazing and I'm so grateful to @gillianlongworth for sharing it so I discovered you! I would LOVE a menopause podcast. Let me know how I can help!

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